[:ka]სკოლის ისტორია[:en]School History[:]

[:ka]100 წლიანი ისტორია


მე-20 საუკუნის დასაწყისში ქუთაისში არსებული რეალურ სასწავლებელთა შორის თავისი მოკრძალებული ვალი მოიხადა მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილის სახელობის ქალთა გიმნაზიამ…

1898 წელს სპეციალური რეკლამები იუწყებოდნენ: ,,მთავრობის ნებართვით ქუთაისში, პუშკინის ქუჩაზე, ალ. ჭყონიას სახლში, პირველი სექტემბრიდან დაარსდა ოთხკლასიანი სასწავლებელი პროგიმნაზიის კურსით. საჭირო ცნობის მისაღებად მსურველებმა უნდა მიმართონ ლიდა ანჯაფარიძეს, ან მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილს.

1903 წელს მეორე ხარისხის კერძო სასწავლებელი მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილის ხელმძღვანელობაში გადავიდა. მისი პირადი შუამდგომლობითა და სკოლაში სასწავლო პროცესის სანიმუშოდ დაყენებით, 1908 წელს პროგიმნაზია პირველხარისხიანად გადაკეთდა. მას მიემატა მე-5 და მე-8 კლასები და სრული გიმნაზიის სახე მიიღო. მთავრობის კომისიამ სასწავლო აღმზრდელობითი პროცესი. სავსებით დამაკმაყოფილებლად სცნო: იგი სრულუფლებიან კერძო გიმნაზიად დაამტკიცა და მიანიჭა მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილის სახელი.

ეს პროგიმნაზია 1903 წლიდან თბილისის ქუჩაზე, პეტრე გოკიელის სახლში ფუნქციონირებდა. ხოლო შემდეგ, ქუთაისში მცხოვრები ქართველი კათოლიკეების დახმარებითა და ბანკიდან აღებული სესხით მარიამმა ქალაქის ცენტრში შეიძინა ორსართულიანი შენობა დიდი ბაღით. (ამ შენობაში საბჭოთა პერიოდში მოთავსებული იყო ქუთაისის მასწავლებელთა დახელოვნების ინსტიტუტი).

აი, რას იგონებს ფატი ხუნდაძე, რომელმაც აღნიშნული გიმნაზია დაამთავრა: ,, არასოდეს დამავიწყდება ის დიდი სიხარული, კმაყოფილება და სწორედ ნამდვილი ესთეტიკური სიამოვნება, რომელიც ვიგრძენი როდესაც პირველად შევდგი ფეხი ჩვენი, ამიერიდან რვაწლიანი სკოლის შენობაში. როგორც თავისი არქიტექტურული თავისებურებით, ისე სიდიდით და თავისი უზარმაზარი. შესანიშნავი ბაღით ეს შენობა განსაკუთრებით გამოირჩეოდა ყველა დანარჩენი, მის მეზობლად მოთავსებული ნაგებობიდან.

მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილის სახელობის ქალთა გიმნაზია  ასეულობით ახალგაზრდამ დაასრულა. მისი პიველი გამოშვება 1912 წელს იყო. მაშინ სკოლა 35-მა მოსწავლემ დაამთავრა.

იმ წლებში ქალთა და ვაჟთა სკოლები ცალ-ცალკე იყო. მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილმა, მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ეს სასწავლებელი ქალთა სკოლას წარმოადგენდა, ვაჟებიც ჩარიცხა. სწავლას მოწყურებული ყველა ახალგაზდისთვის ღია იყო გიმნაზიის კარი. შესანიშნავი ხელმძღვანელი და პედაგოგი გზას აცდენილი ახალგაზრდებისთვი წინ ციხე-სიმაგრე აღიმართებოდა და იტყოდა: ,,უნდა გამოვასწოროთ, არ უნდა მივცეთ ქუჩას, მისგან კარგი მოქალაქე უნდა გამოვიდეს.” ამიტომ ქუთაისლები ,,მარიამ ყაუხციშვილის სკოლას” მოსწავლეების გამოსასწორებელ სკოლას ეძახდნენ. ამ სკოლაში სწავლა ქართულ ენაზე მიმდინარეობდა. იგი ერთადერთი სკოლა იყო, სადაც საქართველოს ისტორიას ასწავლიდნენ. სწორედ ამიტომ აფასებდა მას ქუთაისის ინტელიგენცია. სასწავლო წელი პირველ სექტემბერს იწყებოდა და მთავრდებოდა 31 მაისს. ტარდებოდა მისაღები და ჯგუფიდან ჯგუფში გადასაყვანი გამოცდები. გამოსაშვებ გამოცდებს იღებდა კომისია, რადგან ეს სასწავლებელი კერძო იყო, გამოსასვები გამოცდები ტარდებოდა ვაჟთა გიმნაზიაში ოფიციალური პროგრამით.

გოგონები იცვამდნენ უჯრედოვანი ქსოვილის კაბებს, ზედ ყავისფერ წინსაფრებს იკეთებდნენ. ფონდში დაცულია ათეულობით ფოტოსურათი, რომლებიც ამ სკოლის ცხოვრების სხვადასხვა მხარეს ასახავენ. ეს სურათები ერთგვარი რელიკვიაა და კარგად გვიჩვენებენ სახალხო განათლების საუკეთესო ტრადიციებს ჩვენს ქალაქსი.

მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილის სკოლაში აღზრდის ორიგინალური მეთოდები იყო. აქ ბავშვებს კი არ სცემდნენ, არამედ ზრდიდნენ დარწმუნებით, პირადი მაგალითით, შთაგონებით. ამ სკოლიდან არცერთი მოსწავლე არ გარიცხულა. სასწავლებლიდან გარიცხვას ქ-ნი მარიამი პედსაბჭოს სისუსტედ თვლიდა. კარგი სწავლისა და დისციპლინისათვის ბავშვებს აჯილდოვებდნენ წიგნებით, მიჰყავდათ თეატრში. მჭიდრო კონტაქტი ჰქონდათ დამყარებული მოსწავლეთა მშობლებთან. უფროსი კლასის მოსწავლეები სხვადასხვა თემაზე კითხულობდნენ რეფერატებს, მართავდნენ დისკუსიებს, აწყობდნენ ექსკურსიებს, უშვებდნენ ხელნაწერ ლიტერატურულ ჟურნალს. გიმნაზიას ჰქონდა მდიდარი ბიბლიოთეკა. რუს, ევროპელ და ქართველ კლასიკოსთა ჩინებულ გამოცემებს გვერდს უმშვენებდა საბავშვო ლიტერატურის იშვიათი ფონდი.

მარიამ ყაუხჩიშვილის სახელობის ქალთა კერძო გიმნაზიამ იარსება 1921 წლამდე. ამის შემდეგ სკოლამ ბევრჯერ განიცადა რეორგანიზაცია: ჯერ შრომის სკოლად გადაკეთდა, 1938-1939 სასწავლო წლიდან მე-17 სასუალო სკოლად, 2006 წლიდან №17 საჯარო სკოლად. 1983 წლიდან სკოლამ შენობა შეიცვალა. ამჟამად იგი მდებარეობს ნიკეას ქუჩაზე №44-ში.

 [:en]Kutaisi public school 17 is 100 years old. It was founded by Mariam Kaukhchishvili. It’s true that our school is a major educational and cultural center not only in our community but throughout Georgia. According to National Curriculum, piloting program has been carried out since 2005 and school was rewarded with the diploma and portal computer in nomination: ”The most active school” by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Many infrastructural, technological and programmatic changes were planned and organized each academic year: rehabilitation works of sports complex-wrestling and a new gym were equipped with modern hygienic standards and facilities, Scientific Laboratory, Civil Educational Club, Inclusive Teaching Club, Assembly hall, school library was renewed and equipped with scientific research and electronic literature.

Kutaisi Public School17 has been collaborating for several years with the U.S.A. Department. In the frame of the reform a lot of educational projects have been organized. During recent years we have successfully implemented following projects under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the U.S,A. Department. Our school has always been active participant of Peace Corps program and in 2006 first American volunteer Lisa Heldmen was sent to our school.



On June 24, 2009, in the Public school, 17 was the presentation of the event dedicated to the Independence Day of U.S.A. The initiators of the event were school director and English teachers (Manana Metreveli, Zurab Mushkudiani, and Eleonora Bregvadze). The event consisted of several parts:1-Nato and our school.2-“A  Farewell to Arms”3-Exchange programs .4- Video conference dedicated to the establisher of American classical ballet the famous Georgian ballet dancer George Balanchini. Classical and jazz compositions were performed by the 12th grader Lasha Sakvarelidze and jazz- band. The last part of the event was the presentation of the project “America the beautiful”. The U.S.A. Embassy rewarded the school with American literature. Much is said about the significance of learning The English language and this item is becoming more and more actual.



Not to say anything about its increasing role from day to day. The program “Teach and learn with Georgia” was a great relief. American volunteers were able to affect the students by showing them that speaking English is a gateway making international friendship and broadens horizons. In order to facilitate the sharing of pedagogical experiences between schools, an association was established by our school-“Time to learn, time to share. ”This association involved Georgian, American and British English teachers who arranged meetings, attended lessons, discussed ways to further enhance collaborative teaching methods. In the frame of this association On November 28, 2010, Summary Day was held by the initiative of the English Department of Public school 17. Open lessons were conducted with TLG teacher Brian Patz  Lessons were attended by English teachers from TLG, Professors  Ekaterine Topuria, Ella Berekashvili –English Department of Akaki Tsereteli University  (English teachers of  Public school #17,#19,#30,#32,#44 have been involved  with TLG teachers.)

In addition, we would like to inform you that with the support of our American teacher Brian Patz was established drama club, where was performed the Georgian play “Heart”(by Niko lortkipanidze) translated by English teachers Manana Metreveli and Tea Bardevelidze. The play was staged On 21 December 2010. In the frame of school theatre festival the first night of another successful English language performance “Christmas Cuckoo” was performed on December 21, 2011, in Lado Meskhishvili theatre Small Hall. The stage play was adapted by American teacher from TLG-Christopher Hatefi. The performance was played by the members of the drama club. (5-6 graders of Kutaisi Public School 17)  The performance was awarded nomination “The best English play of the year.”  “Theatre has been a passion of mine almost all my life and the school 17 gave me chance to reveal my abilities”-said Mr. Hatefi


The new schooling year ( 2011-2012) was rich in volunteer teachers from TLG. Our school treated two teachers Fergus Gleeson and Christopher Hatefi from America and Great Britain) the special lesson was conducted in grade 5. The Theme of the lesson was “Fairy Tales” students had the opportunity to listen to three versions of English: standard-American and British-English.


In Kutaisi Public School #17 an international writing Olympic competition 2011 was held by the U.S.A Embassy and Peace Corps volunteer teachers. The coordinator was school director Irine Jgerenaia. The Republican and Regional winners were invited to the American Embassy to Georgia and were awarded special prizes.

In 2011 Kutaisi Public School hosted some honorable guests. The International Relations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and EU Integration Department Specialist Maia Tkemaladze and American expert from California state Gregor Mair were attended the special open lessons conducted by English teachers Tea  Bardevelidze(grade  4 “Mother’s Day”-students congratulated  “Mother’s Day  to their first teacher in Barcelona through Skype) and Zurab Mushkudiani (grade 11 “America who has been you once never forget”)

By the Support of the U.S.A. Department Jazz Festival was held in Kutaisi, where we’ve invited the Director and the English teachers of Public School 17. After the concert, they met with U.S.A Ambassador to Georgia John Bass. Since then, attending the jazz festival has become traditional.

Our school has been an active participant of the project “ English Language through Civic Education ”Two teachers (Zurab  Mushkudiani and  Tea Bardavelidze) from Kutaisi Public School were attended the training conducted by the well-experienced expert-trainer Peter Anatolovich.

The innovation for the teachers has integrated the English language through Civic education, as they gained lots of educational, historical, multinational and social information. Notwithstanding that all training were extremely interesting; we would like to mention the visit of great methodologists from Georgetown University. In the frame of the project the trainer observed the lessons and conducted the monitoring on the given topics: Vocational and life choices (grade 2 -2) Georgian and American Holidays (grade2-3, 6-2) National Historical Heroes (grade 6-3, 6-2) Democratic Institutions (grade6-3) Systems of government(grade 6-3) Diversity and multiculturalism(grade 6-2).


In the frame of this project, a Film Festival about friendship was announced by the U.S.A Embassy to Georgia. English teacher Zurab Mushkudiani and 12th graders participated in the project that was invited to U.S.A. Embassy and was awarded the special diplomas and prizes. Moreover, five teachers from Kutaisi were chosen for Summer Institute-in Ureki One of them was the English teacher of Public School 17  Tea Bardavelidze, who conducted debate “Mock trial of the wolf” according to ”The Little Red Riding Hood”. The representatives of the U.S.A Department to Georgia Nino Jugheli, Nana Ioseliani-Meissner, Judith Elliot and the Association of English language teachers (ETAG) –Rusiko Tkemaladze , Georgetown University awarded teachers special certificates and prizes.

Furthermore, we have active participation with American Corner in Kutaisi, where students increase their knowledge in the cultural sphere as well as in civic education.

One of the most successful projects is the “Best Linguist”. The first contest was held in November 2010 and was attended by Saul Hernandes, Cultural Attache of the U. S. A. Department, who awarded the winners of the competition with special prizes


The English language competition ‘The Best Linguist” is annually held by the initiative of the Foreign language Department of Kutaisi Public School#17 under the guidance of the English Language Department Akaki Tsereteli University. The project is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, The U.S.A. Department, Civic Education and teacher training program (USAID PH International) Kutaisi American corner, The City Council and the Educational Resource Centre of Kutaisi. ”Teach and Learn with Georgia” and “Peace Corps” foreign teachers are actively involved in the competition program.


It should be noted that each year the contest is characterized by innovations. The first annual in 2010 students of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades of Georgian Public and Private schools were allowed to participate in the competition. Applicants were required to be fluent in English and possess good computer skills-fulfill assignments in an online regime and then made PowerPoint presentations on the given topics.

The second annual was innovated. In 2011 the competition consisted of three tours. The second round was a Skype tour. Contestants from different regions of Georgia had the opportunity to talk through Skype to English Fellows (Ben Pell gram, Chase Stoundenmire, Brian Patz) and professors. The winners were awarded portal computers and American Literature by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and U.S. Department.


In 2012 the third annual ” The Best Linguist” contest was integrated with the English Language through Civic Education and information technologies. The students of 9th and 10th grades were required to create a blog from the pre-announced topics from Civic Education and to upload them on www.17school.ge  and on the school’s Facebook page. One winner was revealed by the number of “Likes” and the other three were chosen by the honorable jury.

The concluding round of-Debate was emotional and exciting not only for the contestants but for the jury and audience. The lecture and the film “Georgian Emigrants working in America” conducted and shown by professor Rusadan  Nishnianidze

Was a great importance for the contestants as they should have used some information about emigration from the film.


Besides In 2012-2013 with the help of Peace Corps the Project “Don’t worry, be healthy” is being arranged. The project is integrated with the science and aesthetic disciplines. A variety of educational, informative and fun activities will be implemented. The project is organized by PH international, under the initiative of the school Civic Club members. The project is guided by the English teachers-Tea Bardevelidze, Manana Metreveli, Peace Corps Volunteer teacher John Amato and TLG teacher Christal Williams

We hope that our cooperation and friendship between our school and the U.S.A. Embassy will last long, as Kutaisi Public School 17 is one of the most reliable and supportive partner  in Georgia.



On June 17, the school is over, but special preparations are felt. For the first time during the 100 years history of our school the Ambassador of the U.S.A Richard B Norland is visiting us. On May 1, 2013 the first meeting with the Ambassador and the students of public school 17 was at the Kutaisi American corner, where the students performed a poetry evening by the compositions of American writers and poets.


The Day became a Holiday

On June 20, 2013 The U.S Ambassador Richard B. Norland visited LEPL Kutaisi Public School №17.

The honored guest toured the school, got acquainted with learning environment USAID-funded projects in the school.  He viewed the Resource Room, met a special teacher Leila Barbakadze, and talked to the students and their teacher about the use of the electronic learning resources.


Meeting with the

Science department

The Ambassador met the teachers of the department of natural science. One of the involved teachers in the project Thea Kutateladze who shares her experience with the other teachers in order to raise students’ interest in Science introduced the Ambassador with the international project.

Exams in the Information Technologies laboratory

The Ambassador observed the exam testing for the 9th graders at the school’s computer lab for a few minutes(testing conducted by the National Testing Center).

The Ambassador focused his attention on American literature in the school library, which was gifted by Mr. Saul Hernandes, cultural attache of the United States Department several years ago.

The Centre of Kutaisi Educational

Development and Employment

The guests visited the exhibition in the foyer of the school arranged by the Centre of Educational Development and Employment, headed by Natia Namicheishvili, “Civic Education and Teacher Training Program” photo collage and school civic education activities carried out within the club.


Civic Club

The 10th  graders Monica Ramiashvili and Lika Khurtsidze introduced the Ambassador the projects implemented by the students of the school. They also told about the Scout Movement and the composting project. The Ambassador told the students that he was a scout in the past. Although he continues to live the Scout motto: “Always be ready.”

In the Assembly hall, the guests were shown the presentations of the school children Guram Kokaia, Mate Maghlakelidze, Mariam Tkavadze, Marietta Gorgodze, Giorgi Phkhakadze, who read the masterpieces of American literature.

In the final part of the event, the audience held a minute in honor for the memory of Georgian soldiers killed in Afgan.

The 6th grader, Anna Jgerenaia performed the anthems of the United States and Georgia.


The school English teachers Manana Metreveli, Tea Bardavelidze, and Tiko Gavtadze made a detailed presentation of the educational projects under the support of the United States Embassy, initiatives, teacher training activities, performances performed by Theatrical Club, etc.

19 students of the school: Spartak Gachechiladze, Grigol Verulashvili, Ilia Abesadze, Saba Kharabadze, Ana Jgerenaia, Nika Arishvili, Romeo Kukhianidze, Luka Ghvaladze, Lika Kokaia, Nino Chachanidze, Levan Kutateladze, Roma Ghvamberadze, Lana Shalamberidze, Elene Svanidze, Nika Khurtsidze, Anano Tutberidze, Vika Zalkaliani, Tornike Tskhvirashvili, Tamar Bregadze presented the performance about the most important facts and events of American history. Performance highly impressed the audience and Mr. Ambassador himself. There were applauses and exclamations cheering children.


The Ambassador awarded the participating students and teachers with the certificates.

The school principal, Mrs. Irine Jgerenaia gifted the honorable guest with the special Georgian treasure “The Knight of the Panther’s Skin”. At the end of the event, a special tort was cut.

The event was attended by members of the Parliamentary Committee for European Integration, Akaki Tsereteli State University professors, the Vice Mayor of the city of Kutaisi, school principals, representatives of Education and the Arts, NGOs, students’ parents, teachers, and students. The event was widely covered by the press and on television.


After the performance, the Vice Mayor of Kutaisi Niko Kachkachishvili and U.S. Ambassador in Georgia evaluated the performance. Mr. Richard Norland was full of emotions and mentioned that: “today is the best day of the week to mark the start of Independence of the United States.” He took pictures together with the students.


Roma Gvamberadze, participant of the play:

“ It was a great responsibility for me to act out Martin Luther King. While working on my role I was regularly listening to his speech. I was so nervous… though I think that I managed. I am under sharp impressions. By the way, I have my own dream either to visit America and see White House and skyscrapers of N.Y City.”


Manana Metreveli, the teacher of English:

“We have been working too much on the performance. The goal of that activity was to improve language competence and make the second language acquisition more enjoyable and effective for students. Also, we tried the students to get acquainted with values of democracy which will be the foundation in their formation as a progressive thinker.”



Grigol Verulashvili, participant of the play:

“Since then my role model has become president Abraham Lincoln. I have been feeling great pain of American people having killed their president, as Georgian people had the same tragedy after killing “father Ilia Chavchavadze…”


Iza Kobuladze, the representative of Art Association:

“Involving in such activities students managed to broaden their eyesight and also improved not only best personal but social traits”.



Tamar Chachanidze, a parent of participant:

“ I am a parent of one of the participants. Lots of activities and projects have been successfully implemented by the support of our school director. Though the exact day has exceeded all our expectations. I am incredibly happy about this fantastic and memorable day”.



